KINSTRETCH®: a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and USABLE ranges of motion.
Why if I already Train Strength & "Functional Movements?"
Exercise is all made up let’s be honest the average human lifestyle currently does not prepare the body for the majority of exercises in the gym. This quote sums upt what you may see in an average fitness class or maybe an Xfit or OTF environment and importance or progression based prerequisite work.
“If you have a room full of 100 random people and you say the exercise for the day is overhead squats, the fact that you’re clearing 100 people randomly to do overhead squats says a lot about how well you understand prerequisites. … give me a random sample of 100 people, I’d say maybe 5 or 10 have what is necessary to do that safely.” – Dr. Andreo Spina
Can Kinstretch help with lifting?
Yes, Kinstretch gives you the ability to train and strengthen all ranges of motion. There are never ending ranges of motion to help push the boundaries of all training aspects of athleticism.
How is Kinstretch different from Yoga?
“Yoga Make you better at yoga” We’ve heard a lot however I slightly disagree. What I don’t disagree with at all is Kinstretch makes you better at everything. Instead of holding “poses” we find end rangesof motion within’ your workspace and load then with internal strength and train in that capacity you can handle without injury.
Kinstretch is preventative healthcare.
As Dr. Spina says “Force is the language of cells” and “If you do not use it, you lose it.”
The last major component that really helps us define Kinstretch is the preventive aspect. The truth is there is no such thing as injury prevention only injury mitigation. Kinstretch is designed to prepare for the inevitable.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic condition of the joints, affecting approximately 27 million Americans. The ever-growing research continues to credit strength training and daily movement as the best way to combat OA and many other common conditions.
What can Kinstretch do for me?
The results of our Kinstretch program could be that you feel that your shoulder doesn’t hurt anymore. The scientific outcome could be that your shoulder rotation has increased by 15 degrees with significant full range control and you have added 15 lbs to your shoulder press.
My number one goal is to help everyone with their life and fitness goals no matter what the deficits our in your body. I can meet you where you are and build you through carefuk progression.
Do you teach Kinstretch in studio or online only?
We offer both and can perform an in studio assessment or online. To request one please please reach out on our contact form. We also offer a self assessment when you sign up and become a subscriber to our online community HERE
Does Kinstretch use "functional movement?"
One of my least favorite phrases we hear in the fitness world now. Here we believe and train all ranges of motion and believe all movements are functional. When is the last time you tried opening a pickle jar using your deadlift set up?